Wednesday 7 December 2011

I love my Kobo!

Dear Scribblers

Have you delved into the world of the e-book reader yet?

I must say, seeing as I like to touch and hold and feel, and adore the smell of books, I was a little skeptical of the lure of e-ink. Then I thought about it in the same way as writing, I keep a daily journal written with proper flowing ink, but I also blog, tweet and Facebook. I often make handwritten notes, but I also jot down ideas on my iPhone. I sometimes write out stories by hand, but also go great guns directly onto the MacBook.

This follows through to my crafting, I sometimes scribble my journalling, other times print out font. I even go the whole way and make complete digital pages. If I can be a hybrid-scrapper and writer, why not a hybrid-reader?

After checking out all the e-readers in the market place, I finally found my perfect match!

The Kobo Touch. It's a fantastic e-reader, with a responsive and easy to read touch screen, with only two buttons - on/off and home. Kobo Books is an amazing book store including plenty of free books and previews. You can even buy books elsewhere for use on it (drag and drop - including pdfs, plus Adobe Digital Editions), and loan e-books from your local library, if they offer that facility.

There's a whole social networking scene called Reading Life, including collecting rewards of virtual stickers as you read and then send them onto Facebook, and where you can also check your reading stats too.

The casing is very tactile and easy to hold, not to mention chic. Its quilted back reminds me somewhat of a very expensive designer handbag, that most of you will know is very close to my heart!

It can sync via your computer (PC and Mac, which is a bonus) or via WiFi, up to your own account at Kobo Books. If you've got an iPad or iPhone, you can app it to sync to that as well.

There are a couple of options I would like added though. These include being able to access the dictionary and notes sections directly, not just via a book, and also a crossword solver would be nice. There is already a sudoku game, plus sketchbook and internet browser in their extras section under experimental functionality.

In my opinion, it's so much better than anything that the other companies offer in the UK.  

I know this sounds like an advert, but it's not! I'm in no way connected with Kobo, nor am I getting any payment for writing this post. It's just I love it! I'm hooked on the free classics on my e-book reader.

It won't replace all my lovely books on my shelf, but it's a brilliant way to carry books with you, plus I've downloaded some of my long-term favourites which I can have with me at all times.

Happy Scribing... and Reading - however you do it!

NB: The extract shown on screen is from the free preview of 'The Eyre Affair' by Tom Fforde.

NaNoWriMo over and Christmas is coming!

Dear Scribblers

Where did the month go? I'm so sorry for neglecting you, sometimes time has the habit of whipping away from you. I hope you've been following the daily prompts on Twitter as an alternative.

NaNoWriMo, as is November, is over, and I'm pleased to report I hit my 50,000 word count before the end of the month. I'm a winner!

I still have more to write before my first draft is finished, then the process of editing and re-editing and re-editing and... you get the idea!

So, it's almost Christmas and winter celebrations, who can believe that it's the end of another year? There's that time doing it's busy again. Are you ready? To be honest, I haven't even started! Not one present bought, no tree up and - hangs head in shame - no cards made! Not written, not even bought. Oh, the horror! I've had a strange few months which has meant that thoughts of holidays have been quite far from my mind, but never fear. I'm pushing forward, and I know that I'll get it done in time. Although, as a naughty crafter, the cards will be coming from a shop this year.

Projects of the Day: 

1.  If you are one of those lucky people who are all sorted for Christmas, don't forget to take photos of all your wrapped presents, cards on display and tree. It will be something to add to your Christmas layouts.

2.  If you still have your holiday shopping and chores to do, remember to take photos as you go along. Make a list of all the things you need to do and include that in your layouts. Have fun with your tasks.

3.  How about gathering together some of your favourite photos from previous years, and making a collage.

4.  If you are a writer, take some of your favourite memories and put them together to create a 'Christmas through the ages' memoir.

NB: Please substitute the word Christmas, for your own festival if you follow a different religion. Enjoy your winter celebrations!

Happy Scribing!

Wednesday 2 November 2011

The Crafty Scribe Communiqué - NaNoWriMo, LSNED & Tweets

News Flash... Communiqué... News Flash...

Dear Scribblers

So, autumn is here again, which means so is NaNoWriMo!

Once again I am subjecting myself to the terrors of trying to write a 50,000 word book in the month of November.

Second day in and just over 3500 words completed. As soon as they make the word counter available, I'll embed it on this blog, so you can watch my progress... or lack of it.

Why don't you join me? It's inspiring, it's nerve-wracking, it's creative, it's stressful, but mostly it's fun!

You've still got plenty of time to jump on the trampoline of typing, typos, titles, tales, tears, tantrums and titters. Dive onto their website, and see the full detail.

Now, onto apologies, it's been quite a while since I posted on my blog, as you can see without me telling you. Various reasons, but I'm glad to say I'm back.

For those of you who enjoyed my daily scrapbooking and journalling prompt series here on the blog, you'll be glad to hear that they are still available to view, starting from here to all the way through to number 160 here. Plus if you would like to receive ideas every day, please follow my Twitter account, as I tweet a new prompt every day.

Over the month of September, I joined in with Shimelle's Learn Something New Everyday course again, along with many other scrappers. However, this year I decided to do something different. I art journalled through the month! The first time I've ever tried anything like this.

Over the next few posts, I'll show you a few of my art journal pages for you to see, it was an interesting experience and I loved having a go. I'm not sure how successful they were, but I'll leave that to you to comment.

I'll be back soon. Have a great day. Carry on crafting and writing, Scribbers.

Happy Scribing!

Communiqué Ends... Communiqué Ends...

Tuesday 26 July 2011

My Favourite Things Part 6 and Two Projects of the Day!

Dear Scribblers

There's jewellery, like the Tiffany and Cartier kind. There's more jewellery like the catalogue and high street kind. There's another lot like the cheapy, cheapy plastic wear-once-and-break kind. Then there's the Alchemy Gothic kind.

Alchemy Gothic are a fabulous UK company that makes jewellery, personal and home ware of the interesting kind, and I love 'em! They were creating jewellery adorned with skulls, fantasy, gothic and vampires, as standard, way before anyone else.

They produce amazing catalogues in which each item is lovingly photographed.  How about owning the Necromancer's Sigil ring? Or The Order of the Black Rose necklace. Each has it's own special name, many have stories attached to them and all of them are exquisitely manufactured and weirdly wonderful and beautiful to look at.

I wore my first item of Alchemy Gothic jewellery about 15 years ago, it was a plaited leather cuff with a little silver-tone skull. I still wear it. Slowly my collection has increased. Each piece was bought because it meant something to me and whenever I do wear one of the rings, or necklaces, or bracelets. I feel that I'm attached to a little piece of fantasy.

Project of the Day 1: Do you have a favourite piece of jewellery? You know what to do... getting crafting and creating!

Project of the Day 2: Dig through your jewellery box. Is there any broken pieces in there? Instead of throwing them away, or leaving it stuck in the dark never to be worn again, how about adding it to a layout or project? Adding something you've worn, will make your crafting feel even more personal.

Happy Scribing!

Wednesday 13 July 2011

My Favourite Things Part 5 and Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

There's An Appealing Apple Apparatus For That!

Hands up all those who love gadgets? Got your hand raised? Me too!

I'm a geek freak in a good way. What way could liking geek-feast goodies be bad, right?

Give me any new tech and I'm a happy girlie... especially if it's made by Apple.

I love my shiny smiley Apple products. I first used Macs at work 15 years ago and fell in love with their design and usability. We were able to play video and music on it at a time when the office still used Windows 5.1 on the other PC on my desk.

My first owned Apple product was the iPod Classic which still holds a mega amount of music and plays as well as it did when it was new.

An iMac was next, then the iPod Touch followed swiftly after.

I received my MacBook as a birthday present two years ago, and for my pressie last year it was my iPhone 3GS.

Okay, none of them are the latest models, but they don't need to be. They all do the jobs they are meant to do, and all are a pleasure to tap and swipe. They just work!

I bet you can guess what I want for my birthday this year? That's right, an iPad! It's a struggle, but I'm waiting for the iPad 3.

One comment I would like to make to all craft project CD makers. There's so many CDs available in the market, especially if you watch UK's Create and Craft channel, but most of them are Windows only. Please don't forget Mac users, we love craft too!

Project of the Day: Today's project came about when I looked through some of my hubby's old photos and found one of his desk in his teenage bedroom. Along with a pile of ignored school work stood his beloved ZX Spectrum computer. (Look it up!)

Do you have favourite technology that you use every day? Have you scrapped or written about it? Make a layout or journal entry about your gadgets, be sure to add a photograph. Technology design moves on so quickly, just think how fun it will be to look back at it in 5 or 10 years time and think how dated it looks.

Happy Scribing!

Saturday 2 July 2011

My Favourite Things Part 4 and Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

Do you ever find that you are in the mood of comfort food? That special little treat that picks you up when you're feeling low?

Well, I have comfort books. Just as fulfilling with none of the calories!

They are The Belgariad and The Malloreon series by David and Leigh Eddings. I've written a little about these books before, please click here to read that entry.

I first began reading these books when I was 17, after being lent Pawn of Prophecy by my boyfriend, and devoured the first five books, known collectively as The Belgariad, within a few months. The boyfriend is long gone, but the love for the books stayed with me, although I needed to buy my own copies!

Impatiently, I waited for each book of the second series, The Malloreon plus the three companion books that followed, to be published and read these with as much delight and gusto as the first. You can probably tell by how worn the books are!

So why are they my favourites? I love the characters, the fantasy setting, the plot, action and comedy. Each time I dip into them, it's like a reunion with old friends. They are my comfort books as there's no effort in reading them. I know what's ahead, I've been there with them before but I still enjoy every page turn and get as much from the next read as I did the first. 

I've read a lot of books and a lot of fantasy, even further stories by David and Leigh Eddings (who sadly are no longer with us), however no other set of books have affected me like these. I like to begin reading them again every couple of years, normally around October time, as the nights begin to draw in and the weather becomes colder, I turn to The Belgariad and find comfort in beginning my journey with my friends all over again.

Project of the Day: Please try the Project of the Day from the previous post.  Or, if you would like to try something different... 
  1. Make a list of all the books that you would like to read. 
  2. Create journal pages or a mini-book, adding the title of one of the books to the top of every page. 
  3. As you read the books, take a photo, add the dates you began reading and finished it, and write a review. You can even include where you read the book, who you passed the book on to, photos of you reading, what stopped you from reading it. Anything that makes your experience personal to you.
  4. Fill the book up as you work down your list. This helps as an incentive to finally get round and read all those books that you promised yourself, as you see the pages fill up with your comments and achievements.

Happy Scribing!

Thursday 30 June 2011

My Favourite Things Part 3, Project of the Day and The Way of The Prompt!

Dear Scribblers

One of my first entries on The Crafty Scribe blog was about my favourite stationers - Smythson of Bond Street. I'm sure it's no surprise that their products are showing up again in My Favourite Things series.  Click here if you want to read the original entry.

When you enjoy writing by hand, you begin to appreciate the feel of a free-flowing ink pen and the smooth paper that will become the depository of your thoughts and ideas.

The name Smythson is linked to history, style, elegance and quality. Using their products evokes the feeling that you are part of that.

One of my special presents each year is a new diary. I'm also lucky to own their  journals, notebooks, writing pads and correspondence cards. Each one has a different use, although a couple of them I can't bring myself to use yet, I just love to stroke and look at them! Even on days when writers' block encroaches, putting one of the notebooks in front of me brushes the negativity away and lets inspiration spring forth.

Note: If you ever find yourself in Bond Street, London, drop into Smythson. Not only to see all their lovely products, but to visit their mini-museum which explains their history and also displays famously-owned diaries and notebooks from the past, such as royalty and movie stars.

Project of the Day: Do you have favourite products that you like to craft, write or draw with? Do you have them at hand to use or even just to look at to give you inspiration? Make up an area, maybe in a basket, box or file and put all your best bits and bobs together where they are easy for you to get hold of, that way when you are in need of a boost, or when an idea hits, you are ready to go.

Happy Scribing!

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter to get regular Prompts for Journalling and Scrapbooking. Take each one and jot down ideas which you can turn into a layout, mini-book, journal entry, story or art page. Have fun with them. Who knows where your imagination and memory will take you.

Friday 24 June 2011

My Favourite Things Part 2 and Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

Here's another one of my favourite things:

My Chanel 2.55 handbag and ballerina pumps.

This handbag is very special to me. Fashion and style have always been important interest in my life. I've bought Vogue magazine since I was 14 and I was especially drawn to the biography of Coco Chanel.

The 2.55 handbag (called so as it was originally made in February 1955) was the first bag with a shoulder strap. I adore everything about it, from the chain to the quilting, to the double C logo, to the deep burgundy red lining, to the lipstick pouch, and the secret pocket.

When I was 25, I wrote a list of 100 goals and to own the classic Chanel handbag was one of them.

I finally fulfilled my goal 7 years ago, and I was so proud of the achievement that I even videoed bringing the purchase home and unwrapping it for the first time. As you can imagine, I cried!

My husband bought me the dainty black leather with patent toe ballerina pumps as a surprise birthday present a few years back. I wear them a lot and they still look as good as new.

I don't buy designer products very often, and I'm so glad I was able to buy a Chanel bag. They never lose their value, not that I would ever sell it, that's why it will always be chic, stylish and a classic. Definitely one of my favourite things I own.

Project of the Day: Do you own a designer item? Is there an image you've always wanted? Create a page, or journal about it. Dream big!

Happy Scribing!

Thursday 23 June 2011

My Favourite Things Part 1 and Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

My Favourite Things. When you think of this title, what does it conjure in your mind?

We often scrapbook or journal about the big things, but what about those little items which are part of your day that help you get through the bad times, or even just make you feel a little more warm and fuzzy inside?

Obviously I have other favourites, such as the hubby, the cats, my family and friends, but this is about your own favourites. The objects you love to have around, and maybe even show a little of your personality.

Here's my first set of favourite things.

Last Sunday, the weather was awful. Torrential rain so we couldn't sit in the garden. What was a girl going to do?

I gathered a few of my favourite things together, and celebrated the day.

I love our conservatory, so I sat on the chunky red sofa listening to the rain hammering on the roof, and drank tea out of a Fortnum and Mason china mug, followed by a fairy cake (cup cake to our American Scribblers) while reading the Sunday newspapers. There was a cheeky tall cold flute of Champagne involved too!

See how these simple favourite things can turn a dull day around to something special? Bliss!

Project of the Day: What are your favourite things? Start a page, mini-project or journal about those little things that make you tick. I'd love to see your work.

More of my favourite things to follow.

Happy Scribing!

p.s. Don't forget to follow the on-going Journal Prompts now on Twitter - @thecraftyscribe

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Changes afoot!

Dear Scribblers

Hi. It's been a while!

Sorry for the delay. I've been considering the direction of this blog.

I feel that the Journal Prompt series has come to an end on the page, as I've decided I want to add more visuals to my posts, and the short Journal Prompts can be shown another way... on Twitter!

Please follow me: @thecraftscribe and you can continue to get your fix of prompts.

As an added bonus from tomorrow, I will start a series called My Favourite Things. I hope you'll join me back here at the blog for that.

See you here and in the Tweet Universe.

Happy Scribing!

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Journal Prompt 160

Dear Scribblers

"Challenges make me feel... My last challenge was..."

Happy Scribing!

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Journal Prompt 159

Dear Scribblers

"I felt most empowered when..."

Happy Scribing!

Monday 2 May 2011

Journal Prompt 158

Dear Scribblers

"I feel strong when..."

Happy Scribing!

Sunday 1 May 2011

Journal Prompt 157

Dear Scribblers

"My life is important because... I feel that each moment matters when..."

Happy Scribing!

Saturday 30 April 2011

Journal Prompt 156

Dear Scribblers

"If I could go back in time, the advice I would give my younger self would be..."

Happy Scribing!

Friday 29 April 2011

Journal Prompt 155 and Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

"The advice I would give the happy couple is..."
Project of the Day: Are you watching the Royal Wedding? If so, don't forget to scrap/journal/art about your own experiences of today. It's always the personal perspective of events that make them important.

Happy Scribing!

Thursday 28 April 2011

Journal Prompt 154

Dear Scribblers

"The last new thing I learnt was... It made me feel..."

Happy Scribing!

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Journal Prompt 153 and Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

"My favourite ever movie is..."
Project of the Day: Make a list of your top movies. Make it top 5, 10. 20. It's up to you. Then scrap/journal/art it. You can even try the worst films you've ever been subjected to. Have fun!

Happy Scribing!

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Journal Prompt 152

Dear Scribblers

"My deserted island needs would be..."

Happy Scribing!

Monday 25 April 2011

Journal Prompt 151

Dear Scribblers

"... excites me!"

Happy Scribing!

Sunday 24 April 2011

Journal Prompt 150

Dear Scribblers

"My sadness memories are... My best memories are..."

Happy Scribing!

Saturday 23 April 2011

Journal Prompt 149 and Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

"My favourite cities I have been to are... I would love to go to..."
Project of the Day: Have you made scrap pages of your holidays? What about a mini-book? Don't forget to craft your memories.

Happy Scribing!

Friday 22 April 2011

Journal Prompt 148

Dear Scribblers

"I'm making the following changes..."

Happy Scribing!

Thursday 21 April 2011

Journal Prompt 147

Dear Scribblers

"I'm making a list!"

Happy Scribing!

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Journal Prompt 146

Dear Scribblers

"The first time I realised that I trusted myself was..."

Happy Scribing!

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Journal Prompt 145

Dear Scribblers

"I first believed in myself when"

Happy Scribing!

Monday 18 April 2011

Journal Prompt 144

Dear Scribblers

"I'm bored when... I overcome it by..."

Happy Scribing!

Sunday 17 April 2011

Journal Prompt 143

Dear Scribblers

"I loved/hated sleepovers at friends because... My first one was..."

Happy Scribing!

Saturday 16 April 2011

Journal Prompt 142

Dear Scribblers

"What do you think the answer to Life, The Universe and Everything is?"*

Happy Scribing!

*With thanks to the late great Douglas Adams for his answer... 42, of course!

Friday 15 April 2011

Journal Prompt 141 and Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

"If I had the money, I would buy..."
Project of the Day: Start a fund today to buy your dream item. Okay, it might be a castle, but who cares! Start saving today towards it. Even if you just drop in 10p at a time. That's 10p nearer your dream. Be crafty and either make a money bank, or decorate one. Don't forget to add a photo of your desire.

Happy Scribing!

Thursday 14 April 2011

Journal Prompt 140

Dear Scribblers

"Life is brimming with..."

Happy Scribing!

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Journal Prompt 139

Dear Scribblers

"I'm upbeat when..."

Happy Scribing!

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Journal Prompt 138

Dear Scribblers

"I feel down when..."

Happy Scribing!

Monday 11 April 2011

Journal Prompt 137 and Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

"I belong to..."
Project of the Day: Do you belong to a sports team? Or how about a nightclass, or crop, or theatre group? If you belong to any sort of society, have you thought of creating a scrapbook? You could make pages of your activities, or one for each member. If you are feeling highly creative, how about creating a mini-book for each person as a keepsake? I'd love to hear about your groups and see your pages.

Happy Scribing!

Sunday 10 April 2011

Journal Prompt 136

Dear Scribblers

"The first time I belonged to a group, team or society was..."

Happy Scribing!

Saturday 9 April 2011

Journal Prompt 135

Dear Scribblers

Which would you choose? Wealth? Celebrity? Or Happiness?

Happy Scribing!

Friday 8 April 2011

Journal Prompt 134

Dear Scribblers

"When I look out of my window, I see..."

Happy Scribing!

Thursday 7 April 2011

Journal Prompt 133

Dear Scribblers

"When I dream, I see..."

Happy Scribing!

Thursday 31 March 2011

The Crafty Scribe Communiqué - Poorly Girl

News Flash... Communiqué... News Flash...

Dear Scribblers

I know! I know! I promised that the Scrapbooking and Journalling Prompts would return with a vengeance. I posted Prompt 131 and 132 then... BAM! I was hit with the dreaded lurgy! Actually, very poorly with the NoroVirus and couldn't even lift my head off the pillow, let alone type on my laptop. Not good and I'm sure you don't want to know the details. That would be a share too far.

Never fear, I'm better now and catching up on my long, long to-do list. The prompts will be back soon. Thank you for sticking with me.

In the meantime...
Happy Scribing!

Communiqué Ends... Communiqué Ends...

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Journal Prompt 132

Dear Scribblers

Sun light? Moon light? Candle light? Bulb? Or the darkness? What does the light or dark mean to you?

Happy Scribbing!

Monday 21 March 2011

Journal Prompt 131

Dear Scribblers

They're back! I hope you enjoy the next set of scrapbooking and journalling prompts. Try and come up with inventive ways of using them in your layouts and pages. It may take you in a direction you never thought about before.

"The first plant I grew was...
My favourite flower/vegetable/fruit is... because...
I love/dislike gardening because..."

Happy Scribing!

Wednesday 16 March 2011

The Crafty Scribe Communiqué - The Results are In!

Communiqué... News Flash... Communiqué...

Dear Scribblers

The results are in! The majority of votes want the Scrapbooking and Journalling Prompts to continue. So, from next Monday, they will be back.

In second place was for the return of the famous quotes for inspiration, so I will try and add the odd post of quotes along the way too.

Thank you to everyone who voted. I really appreciated it.

Happy Scribing!

Communiqué Ends... Communiqué Ends...

Tuesday 8 March 2011

The Crafty Scribe Communiqué - Poll on Journal Prompts

Communiqué... News Flash... Communiqué...

Dear Scribblers

On reaching Journal Prompt 130 on Friday, I wondered whether to continue with them or not. Are you enjoying them? Do you find them useful? Would you like to see something else?

I'm putting up a poll on the left hand side of my blog today which will stay up until 15 March. I would love it if you could get involved and tell me what you think.

If you have any other comments, please add them to the comments on this post.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Happy Scribing!

Communiqué Ends... Communiqué Ends...

Friday 4 March 2011

Journal Prompt 130

Dear Scribblers

"The best aspect to my job is..."

Happy Scribing!

Thursday 3 March 2011

Journal Prompt 129 & Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

"The first book I remember being read to me was... The first book I read to myself... The last book I read was... The book I reread is  _________, I go back to it because...."
Project of the Day: I'm sure this multi-layer prompt has you thinking about all the books you have read in your life. How about creating a page to celebrate some of those favourites. 

You could create a mini-book of books through your ages, if you've got photographs of you reading all the better, or just print out images of the book covers. If you now read your books electronically, add a picture of your device.

You might want to create a mini-book of your favourites to hand to friends as a recommended reading list. Don't forget to add your own reviews, but don't give away the ending and spoil it for others!

Happy Scribing!

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Journal Prompt 128

Dear Scribblers

"I believe in..."

Happy Scribing!

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Journal Prompt 127 & Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

"I am my most happiest in _______ O'Clock because...."
Project of the Day: Take a photo at that time to represent you at your happiest, then add it to your journal/art/scrap page.

I would love to see your photos. Maybe I'll post mine too!

Happy Scribing!

Monday 28 February 2011

Journal Prompt 126

Dear Scribblers

"My parents..."
Describe them. How did they treat/teach/inspire you? Did you row? Was it a good relationship? Celebrate them for all you learnt from them, however they taught you. 

Happy Scribing!

Sunday 27 February 2011

Journal Prompt 125

Dear Scribblers

"My first bike!"

Happy Scribing!

Saturday 26 February 2011

Journal Prompt 124

Dear Scribblers

"The goal at the top of my list is..."

Happy Scribing!

Friday 25 February 2011

Journal Prompt 123

Dear Scribblers

"When I look in the mirror I feel..."
People often find this exercise difficult. Remember to be honest, and list all your good points, don't just focus on the negative. If there are things you don't like, what can you do about improving yourself. If you like what you see that's good too. Enjoy you for who you are, you are special.

Happy Scribing!

Thursday 24 February 2011

Journal Prompt 122 & Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

"The women that I admire are..."
Project of the Day: Are they from history? Are they famous? Are they friends or members of your own family? Create a page to celebrate these amazing women.

Happy Scribing!

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Journal Prompt 121

Dear Scribblers

"Cars make me feel... I first drove when... My first car was..."

Happy Scribing!

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Journal Prompt 120

Dear Scribblers

"I know that fate took a hand when..."

Happy Scribing!

Monday 21 February 2011

Journal Prompt 119 & Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

"_______ makes me angry because..."
Project of the Day: Make a list of all those things that make your temperature rise. They can be anything from the big stuff like wars, to road rage and bad manners, to someone chewing gum loudly. Get a friend to have a go too, and compare your lists. You never know, it might surprise you and make you laugh at all the things that cause that irritated twitch.

Happy Scribing!

Sunday 20 February 2011

Journal Prompt 118

Dear Scribblers

"I love ________ period of history because... The time I don't like was..."

Happy Scribing!

Saturday 19 February 2011

Journal Prompt 117 & Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

"The most special memory I have is..."
Project of the Day: Have you ever scrapped or written about this memory? Take time to honour this time. If it is too personal, how about disguising it in another way? Draw a picture to represent the memory, write a poem to tap into the emotions, or write a story about it changing the characters and situation, but keeping the feelings.

Happy Scribing!

Friday 18 February 2011

Journal Prompt 116 & Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

"Make a list of all your goals and dreams that you have made which have actually come true."
Project of the Day: You should be very proud of yourself. I hope that you will create a page to celebrate your achievements.

Happy Scribing!

Thursday 17 February 2011

Journal Prompt 115

Dear Scribblers

"The last time I cried was..."

Happy Scribing!

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Journal Prompt 114

Dear Scribblers

"Finding peace to me means... I am at my most peaceful when..."

Happy Scribing!

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Journal Prompt 113

Dear Scribblers

Another special prompt for Valentine's.
"I remember my first kiss... My first true love was..."

Happy Scribing!

Monday 14 February 2011

Journal Prompt 112

Dear Scribblers

A prompt for Valentine's Day. Sending love to all my Scribblers.
"Passion to me is... Love to me is..."

Happy Scribing!

Sunday 13 February 2011

Journal Prompt 111

Dear Scribblers

"Feeling strong makes me feel like... I am at my most fearless when..."

Happy Scribing!

Saturday 12 February 2011

Journal Prompt 110

Dear Scribblers

"Today, if I had the chance, I would fly away to..."
Who would you take with you? What would you do there? How long would you go for? What are you flying away from? Or flying away to?

Happy Scribing!

Friday 11 February 2011

Journal Prompt 109

Dear Scribblers

"I like/don't like to fly because... I remember my first plane adventure was..."

Happy Scribing!

Thursday 10 February 2011

Journal Prompt 108

Dear Scribblers

"The most crazy 'out-there' event I could ever imagine happening is..."

Happy Scribing!

Wednesday 9 February 2011

The Crafty Scribe Communiqué - SMASH Books by K&Company 2

News Flash... Communiqué... News Flash....

Dear Scribblers

Did you see my communiqué about SMASH books?  This is an update. I've found their special blog, and thought all you creative types would like a look - 

I can't wait until the books and all the extra goodies are available.

Happy Scribing!

Note: Just in case you were wondering. I have no connection with SMASH, EK Success or K&Company. I'm just posting this information because I like the books. 

Communiqué Ends... Communiqué Ends...

Journal Prompt 107

Dear Scribblers

"I am at my most compassionate when... I help by..."

Happy Scribing!

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Journal Prompt 106 & Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

"I feel that I was at my most creative when I was... because..."
Project of the Day: If you don't feel at your most creative now, think about the reasons why. Can you capture some of these feelings from your most creative time and use them now? Make each new moment your most creative. 

Happy Scribing!

Monday 7 February 2011

Journal Prompt 105

Dear Scribblers

"My first best friend was... My friends have been... My best friend now is..."

Happy Scribing!

Sunday 6 February 2011

Journal Prompt 104 and Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

"I would like to own..."
Project of the Day: Why would this make you happy? Cut out a picture, or take a photo of the object and then create a page around it. This will help you focus your energies into achieving your goal. 

Happy Scribing!

Saturday 5 February 2011

Journal Prompt 103 & 2 Projects of the Day!

Dear Scribblers

"I am grateful for my friends because they encourage me to..."
Do you take your friends' advice and follow through and complete your goals? Have you told your friends how much you appreciate their support? Today, try and take a tiny step towards your goals, and do something nice for your friends to let them know how much you mean to them. That's two Projects of the Day today!

Happy Scribing!

Friday 4 February 2011

The Crafty Scribe Communiqué - SMASH books by K&Company

News Flash... Communiqué... News Flash

Dear Scribblers

I just saw this video on YouTube and had to share it with you all. It's the Smash Book by EK Success - K&Company. This is what I consider to be a perfect product for all those crafters who are also into journalling and scrapbooking the daily history of your life.

They don't seem to be available yet, but when they are... I WANT ONE... OR TWO... OR THREE... OR LOTS!

What do you think?

Happy Scribing!

Communiqué Ends... Communiqué Ends...

Journal Prompt 102

Dear Scribblers

"The time of day I feel most creative is... because..."
If there isn't a particular time you feel creative, when do you feel at your most crafty? Why? 

Happy Scribing!

Thursday 3 February 2011

Journal Prompt 101

Dear Scribblers

"My first pet's name was... I remember..."

Happy Scribing!

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Journal Prompt 100!

Dear Scribblers

"I take pride in..."
I am proud that I've reached 100 prompts. Phew! Take a moment to give yourself positive energy by remembering your achievements today.

Happy Scribing!

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Journal Prompt 99

Dear Scribblers

"If I think about _______ it makes me nervous. I overcome my nerves by..."

Happy Scribing!

Monday 31 January 2011

Journal Prompt 98

Dear Scribblers

"Being creative is important to me because..."

Happy Scribing!

Sunday 30 January 2011

Journal Prompt 97 & Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

"The details from my first dance I remember are..."
Do you remember who you went with? What you wore? What music was played? Where and when it was? Was there food? How long did you stay out? Did it all go smoothly? Was it formal, or a house party? Do you remember any smells/tastes? How did you feel?

Project of the Day: Complete a scrap/journal/art page to celebrate this moment of your life. Do you have photos? If not, how about cutting out pictures from magazines to represent your evening.

Happy Scribing!

Saturday 29 January 2011

Journal Prompt 96

Dear Scribblers

"What Would You Take A Chance To Do Today?"

Happy Scribing!

Friday 28 January 2011

Journal Prompt 95

Dear Scribblers

"The first time I spoke in public was... When I give a speech it makes me feel..."

Happy Scribing!

Thursday 27 January 2011

Journal Prompt 94 and Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

"The art I love is..."
Project of the Day: Is it one particular piece, or a form of art? Is it painting, sculpture, pottery, theatre, dance, or another form? Use your own crafting to celebrate the art you admire.

Happy Scribing!

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Journal Prompt 93

Dear Scribblers

"I did/didn't believe in the tooth fairy/Easter bunny/Father Christmas because..."

Happy Scribing!

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Journal Prompt 92 & Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

"If I could take a new class tomorrow, I would learn how to..."

Project of the Day: Are you aching to try something new? Well, get out there and have a go! Try and find a local class or group you can join. Failing that search the net and see if you can find on-line classes. If money is a problem there are plenty of free lessons, and YouTube demonstrations which may get you started. Go on, dip your toe in the water!

Happy Scribing!

Monday 24 January 2011

Journal Prompt 91

Dear Scribblers

"Fear to me is... I like/don't like to be scared... I think horror movies are..."

Happy Scribing!

Sunday 23 January 2011

Journal Prompt 90

Dear Scribblers

"My favourite book is... because..."

Happy Scribing!

Saturday 22 January 2011

Journal Prompt 89

Dear Scribblers

"My favourite Christmas gift was... My favourite gift of all time to give/receive was..."

Happy Scribing!

Friday 21 January 2011

Journal Prompt 88 - It's Back!

Dear Scribblers

I am pleased to announce the daily Journalling and Scrapping Prompts are back. If you are new to The Crafty Scribe and would like to learn a bit more about what these prompts are all about, please see the original post and instructions.

So here goes:

"If I was a judge, the law I would create would be..."

Happy Scribing!

Monday 3 January 2011

The Crafty Scribe Communiqué - Goodbye Crafty Poet... Hello ???

News Flash... Communiqué... News Flash...

Dear Scribblers

My project to write 365 poems in 365 days throughout 2010 is completed! I achieved my goal!

Now, I wouldn't say any of them are masterpieces, and I'm sure that there are many poets out there who have laughed at my efforts, but I'm glad that I stuck will it and gave it a go. There's even one or two that I'm proud of. I'd love to hear your opinion, but please be gentle with me! ;-)

I'll be leaving the blog open for a short time, so please feel free to browse a little while longer. If you would like to take a look, please use this link - My Year As A Poet by The Crafty Scribe.

So what happens next? I'll be starting the ever popular daily crafting and writing prompts once again, plus an important announcement will be made in the next few weeks. Stay tuned for more news soon.

Happy Scribing!

Communiqué Ends... Communiqué Ends...