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Monday, 12 July 2010

The Crafty Scribe's Favourite Quotes - 30 and Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

Here is the last in the present series of Favourite Quotes.

"There are various ways... and many arts and skills. Each man practices as he feels inclined." Miyamoro Musashi

Do you sometimes feel that you aren't enjoying a creative outlet you've chosen? Well... Stop! Have a go at something else. You may find a craft you are more interested in, and have a flair for. It's only by trying various hobbies will you find something you truly resonate with. You can also go back to your original projects when you are ready and refreshed, bringing new skills with you.

Project of the Day - Is there a craft you've always wanted to have a go at and never tried? Have a go today! Or take steps towards it - find a class, buy a book, search the internet for help. Expand your talents.

Happy Scribing!

From Tomorrow - Positive and Creative Prompts to Aid Journalling.

If you've enjoyed the Favourite Quotes series with projects, please leave a note in the comments and I will endeavour to bring them back soon.

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