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Thursday, 3 March 2011

Journal Prompt 129 & Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

"The first book I remember being read to me was... The first book I read to myself... The last book I read was... The book I reread is  _________, I go back to it because...."
Project of the Day: I'm sure this multi-layer prompt has you thinking about all the books you have read in your life. How about creating a page to celebrate some of those favourites. 

You could create a mini-book of books through your ages, if you've got photographs of you reading all the better, or just print out images of the book covers. If you now read your books electronically, add a picture of your device.

You might want to create a mini-book of your favourites to hand to friends as a recommended reading list. Don't forget to add your own reviews, but don't give away the ending and spoil it for others!

Happy Scribing!

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