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Saturday, 5 November 2016

NaNoWriMo Day 4 - Protecting Your Words

Dear Scribblers!

I'm keeping on keeping on!

2,212 words written today, with a total of 9,026 words to date, and I am loving it! Really truly loving enjoying every single moment I'm directing my fingers across the keyboard in an almost free rhythm jazzy alphabet tap routine. In a blog post coming soon, I'll tell you how I feel when I forget the 'steps', and how I get back into the dance.

However, today I want to ask you a question. How are you protecting your electronic written word count? I don't mean saving it from the negativity of the on-line trolls who live under the ethernet bridge, or from the purple prose punches of the bully critics, I'm talking about backing up your writing.

It's so easy to lose your writing due to computer problems or viruses, or corrupted apps, and dropped phones and pads. There are a myriad of reasons why the words you wrote yesterday could have disappeared today, so there's two sentences I'd like to share with you.

1. Remember To Save Your Work.

Luckily, most programmes which you'll probably find yourself writing on these days will automatically save your sentences as you go along, but always check that this is set to your liking. You don't want the accidental disappearance of a day's worth of writing because you thought it was saved when it wasn't. It's best to check your settings before you start and hit save anyway.

2. Back Up Your Writing.

It's obvious, we all know we should be doing it, but how many of you have done this since starting NaNoWriMo 2016?

Call me over cautious, but I'm backing up... three separate ways! Mainly via the Apple iCloud Drive which automatically backs up my documents without me even thinking about it. Then I also back up to Dropbox, this is so I can access my Scrivener file to use in their iPhone app, I can continue to write without the need to be in front of my computer. (The app is a recent purchase from the Apple App Store, especially bought for use for NaNoWriMo. I'll let you know what I think of it later in the month.)

As I'm especially wary, I also backup to a USB stick every few days - as shown in the picture below.

The key-shaped stick holds 4GB, and I'm using it just for NaNoWriMo 2016's writing and any accompanying documents I might pick up during the month, such as any research materials I might accumulate, and the official website jpegs, etc.

Unfortunately, I can't remember where the stick came from, but if you'd like to know more about the other items in the photo, please see my corresponding Instagram photo.

There's many USB sticks and similar out there, over many different price points to chose from, along with other methods of backing up, such as independent companies cloud systems, programmes to assist with the process (e.g: Apple's own Timeline) and a variety of sized external hard drives, including my own where all my computer files are regularly stored as back up.

Whatever your preferred method, remember to protect your words. They're precious!

If there's anything you'd like me to discuss during NaNoWriMo, please let me know.

Happy Scribing!

Important Notes

1. Please note that I am not connected to any companies mentioned in this post. I do not receive any products, funding or gifting from these businesses. All products shown have been bought by me, or gifts from family or friends. I mention the items because I like them or have my own private opinion about them. It's just little old me talking about ma stuff! ;-)

2. If you would like to see more of anything in this series, please write a comment below, or 'like' and leave a comment by my latest Instagram photo, letting me know what you would like me to post photos and write about. 

3. If you like what you read, don't forget to bookmark this site, and please share it with your friends. 

4. You can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram - @TheCraftyScribe which I update regularly with all things crafty, scribbling, beauty, fashion, the cats, sci-fi, fantasy, and the ephemera of 42*................... 
*42 = Life, The Universe and Everything!

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