Dear Scribblers
Don't worry, even though I didn't post an update yesterday on the blog, I did keep my promise to write every day. Here's the "scores on the doors" (big brownie points to anyone who knows which old television programme that's from! 👍)
This is from yesterday (Sunday), I was able to hit 2006, more that I expected, as I wasn't very well, which has actually carried on, into today...

However, I still reached 2275 words. It's been quite surprising, and tough to get through, but I sort of knew in what direction I was taking the story, so it pretty much wrote itself today.
Once I'm back feeling a little more energised, I'll tell you my tips on how I carry on writing on day's like these, along with the information I promised you on day 4, on how I cope on the days when there's a barrier where you can't achieve your word count, because of a disagreement between you and your story.
Hope your Monday has been an influx of inventiveness, ideas, and impressive inscribing.
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