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Monday, 7 June 2010

The Crafty Scribe's Favourite Quotes - 19 and Project of the Day

Dear Scribbler

I think Henry Kaiser offers sound advice:

"Know yourself and decide what you want most out of life. Then write down your goals and a plan to reach them."

Not only does it apply to life goals, it can also but used in your creativity. Do you set yourself crafting goals? Do you have a list of projects that you need to accomplish?

Project of the Day - Write down your list of creative goals.
Prioritise them - put the ones that you need to do and want to do the most at the top.
Can these goals be broken down any smaller? Separate each project into smaller manageable chunks.
Put a 'guesstimate' of time next to each piece. E.G: Sort photos - 1 hour. Write journalling block - 5 minutes.
When you have a spare moment, take out your list, and choose a goal which relates to the amount of time you have, and complete that task.
Add it to the parts of your project you've already completed, ready for you to collate and finish.
You'll find you get a lot more done, by following your own goal list. It's surprising how much you can get done, in the floating 5 minutes, or that half an hour before you go to bed. You'll probably find that you are creating more too.

Happy Scribing!

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