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Saturday, 22 May 2010

Celebrity Chic and Project of the Day

Dear Scribblers

My friend is a journalist, and is presently working in Afghanistan. His claim to fame today is that he spent the day with David Beckham, and then interviewed him for television news.

This made me think...

Project of the Day - What or Who is YOUR Claim to Fame?

Have you met a famous person? Are you related to a celebrity? Are you famous in your own right?

How about journalling or scrapping about the time you met someone famous. Add a photo, if you have one, or any memorabilia you have of that time. Explain who the person is, why they are famous, why you were surprised or pleased to meet them, and how you felt about the meeting.

One of My Claims to Fame? I was 14, and went to the UK concerts of 'Kids from Fame'. At the end of the show, I ran to the front, and as I was quite small the security guard lifted me onto his shoulders so I could see. I called out "Carlo" (as in Carlo Imperato, who was the character Danny) and he can running over and kissed me on my hand! I was so overwhelmed, that when I got home, I washed my hand and bottled the water! I kept it for years, before I finally threw it away. Even though I have no photos, I could use pictures from the internet, and make the story the main focus of the page. 

Blush! I can't believe I shared that with you. LOL! 

What's your story?

Happy Scribing!

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