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Thursday, 6 May 2010

Project of the Day - Go Voting!

Dear Scribblers

It's Polling Day in the UK, we are voting to choose our new government. As this only happens once every five years, I thought what a great opportunity to get scrapping or journalling!

To all those in the world who aren't voting today, maybe you can store this away until your next vote, or look at those events that only occur rarely?

Project of the Day - Voting Day!
Are you voting today?
Is there someone in your family who is voting for the first time?
Is there a grandparent in your family who remember voting many many years ago?
Are you working at a polling station, or one of the busy counters who will be collating the votes tonight?
Have you canvassed for one of the parties?
Are you standing for election?

Here's a few ideas:

  • Take a scan/photo of your voting card, or photograph people with their cards before they go to vote. 
  • Maybe take a photo of them at the 'POLLING STATION' sign, please check though as some places may not let you take photos out your voting station, and please do not try to take photos inside. Instead, be creative, find different ways of showing today's special events. I'd love to hear about your own photography ideas.
  • Take a photo of the television screen when the election shows begin tonight. 
  • Get a copy of today's newspaper, and tomorrow's newspapers with the results. Look for the local papers, as well as the nationals.
  • Keep all those campaigning leaflets that dropped onto your doorstep.
  • Use all your photos and memorabilia to create a scrap page, mini-book or add to your daily journal entry.
  • Write about the election from your own personal point of view. Add the views of your friends, and family. Of that first voter, or stories from voting in past years.

It's a serious subject, but you can create a fun and informative project from it. Remember, this is history in the making!

Happy Scribing!

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